Preventing sold items being listed again (again)

GarageSale (listing sold items)

This is the reference to a discussion we had a few months back:

You were correct in that there is a pop-up warning that a previously listed item is about to be listed again. That was turned off in my preferences.

After running a few tests, I remembered why I had turned it off.

The identical pop-up message applies to both SOLD and ENDED WITHOUT A SALE items. I think it would be much better to differentiate between the two.

I never want to re-list a SOLD item (I will always make a copy to list again). However, I will nearly always list and UNSOLD item.

OK, so let’s say I have 100s of UNSOLD items to start again. I would prefer to just start them again but the warning pops up. This his because GS expects these items to be re-listed,

Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 11.32.52 am

However, having tried to re-list 100s of items using this method, two things are obvious:

  1. It is so painfully slow that even the Russians have tired of interfering with my internet service. They decided that they could longer make a difference to the speed.
  2. Re-list does not use multiple connections.

If you want more details, ie a ‘system dump’ , just ask.


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