Suggestions & Initial Feedback on 7 Beta - Please Contribute

Sorry for the delay in answering. We had to find time to discuss this internally first.

Might be happening for version 7.1

Probably not going to happen, as the position and size of popovers are not easily definable by the application.

We’ll try to figure out a way to make this happen for the 7.0 release.

We’d need to split the shipping popover into 4 or 5 separate popovers, which all have to be accessible from the inspector. This is a lot of working and certainly not happening for the initial 7 release.

Did you take a look at the preflight window? Doesn’t it almost do the thing you want, as it alerts you about missing attributes and shipping options?

When deleting photos from a listing template by clicking the “X” in the corner of each photo, is there a way to eliminate the dialogue box that requires me to confirm I want to delete each picture? It’s time-wasting to answer yes for each picture.

Can we have a way to remove/archive sales from the smart groups “waiting for payment” and “ready to ship” ?

The reason being in some circumstances an order doesn’t get closed off on eBay fully so I have items showing here from years ago.

For example a customer purchased two items together in error but only wanted one. They were refunded the difference and the 1 item wanted was shipped but this still order still shows in the smart group as eBay didn’t understand a partial refund and partial ship.

Another example is where customer never paid and eBay closed as an unpaid item case but order still shows as waiting for payment.

How about the “Listing” > “Remove All Images” command?

That’s better, but I typically use my logo as one of images in all my listings. If I “remove all” I have to add that back one in every time. Regardless, the dialogue box is redundant after you’ve already clicked the X.

You can either export those orders to a separate file and delete them from GarageSale, or you could tick the “refunded” checkbox for these orders. This should exclude them from most smart groups. You can double-click the smart groups to check their rules and learn what checkboxes will hide certain items.

I’m having an issue creating new listings using an existing template.

I change the title, picture, condition, categories and they all hold to the listing when it’s launched, but the updated price does not.

Also whenever I launch using an old template, I get a dialogue box that reads: “Some of the selected listings have already been started. Do you want to duplicate these listings and list the copies?”

Any suggestions?

Issue seems to have corrected itself. Will raise hand if it recurs.


The delete option works well - you just have to find the original as you can’t delete the entry coming up in the smart group.

Would it be possible to have a way to quickly jump down to/show the original in the order section below?

A ticket for adding a “Delete Original” command is already on our to list. (Among a few hundred other requests). :smile:

[quote=“ilja, post:6, topic:1208”]
User Defined location/size/options for Pop-Up Menus (Shipping/Attributes)

Probably not going to happen, as the position and size of popovers are not easily definable by the application.

Well it should at least be dominant over the iMedia Browser (MB). Currently its subordinate and difficult to use as it requires closing the MB each time.

It would work best (at least for me) if it was placed over the MB as pics are loaded at separate times in creating the template.

It then dances up top to adjust Advanced Options.

Thats why it should share space with the browser window. Much like the inspector has Options Advanced Properties.
I doubt anyone is adjusting shipping while concurrently adding Media. I am out of landscape and would be forced to move the MB to my second monitor and add a third to watch SP.

[quote=“ilja, post:6, topic:1208”]
Shipping Options editing for individual parameters

We’d need to split the shipping popover into 4 or 5 separate
popovers, which all have to be accessible from the inspector. This is a
lot of working and certainly not happening for the initial 7 release. [/quote]

I am not expecting this anytime soon as you are very busy boys. Its something that I wished for since day 1 w/GS. Perhaps a script will allow in the future.

I have actually gone back to using 6 to get my work done. 7 is crashing too much for me and without Hot Keys its just too slow for my style of listing. Mousing is sooooo 1980’s Haha !!!

Will resume using 7 when it become a production vehicle,

You are right. Maybe we can tweak the media browser window to appear below the popups.

Beta 23 fixes another round of crashes and adds menu short cuts for category and attribute selection. :wink:

Soon I will have everything I want !!!


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Program is operating great so far. I’d like to lose the extra hang time at launch, but otherwise most functionality seems smooth. That said, still a couple of questions.

There’s probably a simple solution for these, so apologies:

  1. I don’t understand the “duplicate and delete” option when launching a listing - please explain the purpose and results of selecting either option.

  2. The whole listings column confuses me; it seems to archive my templates and my listings, with the listings stacked below each of the templates it’s generated from, creating a column interspersing both templates and listings. In the previous version the templates stayed grouped together at the top of the column, segregated from the listings, which were all stacked together below. I prefer the latter option - can I set this column to work like it used to in GS6?


And will we get a notice when we have to pay for beta vers 7 before rate increases? Or is there a hard date already?

GarageSale 7 fundamentally changes how the application works. There is no more differentiation between templates and running auctions. Everything is a listing right now. There are two main reasons for this:

  1. eBay makes it super hard to launch duplicated listings by now. So having a single template and launching multiple auctions from it without modification doesn’t work anymore. Event if you modify a template to outsmart eBay’s duplicate detection, you loose the ability to easily revise the listing you initially listed.

  2. We are trying expand to other marketplaces with future version of GS 7. The whole “your listing will end after x days, and then you have to restart it” thing is pretty eBay specific and doesn’t apply to other sites.

Once of the consequences of “everything is a listing” change is that you can only launch a listing once. If we were to allow to start it multiple times, we would override you original listing’s item id, listing address, and fees.

Therefore you see this alert, when you try to start a listings that you already launched in the past, that asks you if you want to start a duplicate listing. Since some users find it annoying to move the original listing to the trash manually, we added to this convenient checkbox you were asking about.

Are you already having sleepless nights because of 3 bucks you might save by buying a license right now? :wink:

Okay, I understand the concept, but don’t agree with the logic. The issue with not being able to sort listings separately from templates creates more work for me.

Here’s why:

I create listing templates for the various categories I sell from, and change the specifics (title, pics, custom details, category, and any description text that is specific to the item I’m selling.

When the templates are/were organized together, I could see and choose the most appropriate template from the column without scrolling, doing a search, etc.

eBay never rejected any of them as duplicates, and that was through last week when GS6 ceased to function with El Capitan.

I suppose I can drag the listings into the appropriate year folder, but that’s an extra step from GS6, and it’s not that easy since there’s nothing that visually distinguishes the template from the resulting listing.

It seems like GS7 has lots of extra steps in the form of multiple unnecessary dialogue boxes (photo deletion, launching, etc).

There also seems to be a total dismissal of revision to existing templates, again, creating more work for the user.

Finally, no, I’m not sweating the $3. I’m acclimating to GS7, and depending on what I find, it may no longer be the listing program I’m going to use.

But thanks for your responses, everything I hear from you feeds into my ultimate decision.

You could adhere to pretty much the same workflow in GS 6 by setting up base listings for various categories, that you would duplicate and customize for the item you are selling.

Sorry, I don’t see the difference. You can organize your listings the same way you could organize your templates in GarageSale 6.

Sorry, you lost me here. In GS7 there are only listings. Not templates anymore. You can easily distinguish between started and not-started listings by their different icons.

What “multiple unnecessary dialogue boxes” should that be? Can you post screenshots? The photo deletion alert is even identical to the one in GS 6!

Are you referring to a missing “revise” command? It’s actually there in toolbar (button with three dots).

LOL, that’s pretty funny. 3 bucks goes a long way.