Did some testing, and the new release of GS no longer fetches orders. It used to check every 5 minutes. Now it doesn’t. Same with updating listings. The “Next run” feature in the preferences always displays a time of 7:34pm even though that can be 4 or 19 hours away! The only way to fetch new orders is to use the Update All Orders menu item. I have “update account details” in the preferences and that does not fix the issue. I did not refresh the access token as the expiry date is not until 2026 after doing that a few weeks ago.
I was wondering why no one else reported this problem. I reported it June 12. No resolution yet. You just have to manually “Update All Orders”. If you use weekly Auction Relisting you have to manually restart them as well
You can try the fixes that Kristan, Ilja, and Paul posted but they didn’t help this issue. They worked on it but were unable to find why. “Misery loves company” in this case maybe good thing because a second computer with the same issue will help narrow down the problem.
My orders I shipped at 7am [it is now nearly 5pm] still show up in the “Ready to Ship” smart group. 5 minute refreshes no longer work. It’s sad that you reported it when 9.8 was in beta, and it never got fixed. I don’t think the developers of this app actually use this app as sellers [the amount of times the cursor looses focus when trying to type or edit the title of a listing is insane - no other 3rd party app I use for my business has that behavior, yet it happens 100s of times a day; and things like selecting all/copying/pasting, rarely ever work for the listing description or title - only some text is selected, and for the title, pasting an exactly 80 character string then gets truncated since the field didn’t completely clear! and for a description that is multi paragraph, there’s no way to select all unless you use a trackpad or mouse; command A only selects the first paragraph; and while on my mini rant - copying and pasting an address - esp. the shipping one - when one starts to select it, the address loses the right side - usually the +4 ZIP code section and sometimes the customer’s last name; recently this has happened in the Buyer address field too. Since I use Bookpedia for my inventory and sales records, I copy and paste the name and the name/address into fields in Bookpedia and man, GS makes it a slow, slow process!. So many small things that if one uses the app daily to sell stuff, they would notice.
So far it is working well! Within 15 minuted GS has started downloading views! GS didn’t do that since June 12 for me. Thanks for you hard work putting this adjustment into the program.
I just had 23 of my 7 day auctions relist on their own. It has been since June 12 since it has done that. GS also moved all the ended 7 day auctions to the trash as expected, These adjustments have certainly repaired the issue. Thanks!